Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: A Journey Through Doctor Who

Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: The Space Pirates

This week we cover the story #49, "The Space Pirates", in which the TARDIS crew get tangled up with deep space argonite pirates!

Discussion of "The Space Pirates" (Trevor 4, David 6, Charlie 6.5)

Connor's Corner

March Comics Roundup


Join us next week for our review of the first half of Doctor Who story #50, The War Games!  This ten-part story is fully intact.  Due to its length, we will be covering it in two parts.  Sadly, we could not find this serial legally available for streaming, and the region 1 DVD is out of print and very expensive if you can even find it.  You can rent the DVD from Netflix, however.  DVD releases do appear to be available at reasonable prices in regions 2 and 4.  We were also unable to locate a soundtrack, though an audiobook read by David Troughton is available at audible.com.



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Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am PST