Thu, 26 December 2019
On this week's podcast, the Doctor must go to the most dangerous place in the universe: his own grave on the planet Trenzalore! QotW: If you could insert Clara (The Impossible Girl) into any episode of Doctor Who that she wasn’t already in to rescue the Doctor or explain his/her victory, which episode would it be and how would she help? So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News Discussion of "The Name of the Doctor" (Trevor 9, Charlie 9.5, Connor 9, David 9.4) Big Finish: Doctor Who: The Light at the End (Trevor 9.75, Charlie 9.5, David 8.5) Hosts:
Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #240, the 50th anniversary special, The Day of the Doctor! As our coverage for the special will be quite long, we will forego a Big Finish audio adventure review. But fear not, we will resume audio adventure reviews soon alongside our coverage of Doctor Who series 12!
Thu, 19 December 2019
On this week's podcast, the Doctor takes the kids Clara babysits to an amusement park and gets them captured by Amazo Cybermen. Good job, Doctor! QotW: In the episode Nightmare in Silver , the Doctor encounters a new variety of cyber creature dubbed "cybermites", if you were to create a new cyber creature based on an existing animal, what would it be? So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News Discussion of "Nightmare in Silver" (David 9, Trevor 6, Charlie 9, Connor 9.75) Big Finish: Doctor Who: Destiny of the Doctor #11: The Time Machine (8.75/7.25, Trevor 8.5/7.25, Charlie 8/7) Hosts:
Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #239, The Name of the Doctor! Our audio adventure will be The Light at the End, available from
Thu, 12 December 2019
On this week's podcast, the Doctor is captured while investigating the sinister disappearances at Sweetville, and it's up to the Paternoster Gang to rescue him! QotW: In The Crimson Horror, the Paternoster Gang faces off against the red leech, an old foe Madame Vastra's people had encountered before. What Doctor Who villain that's been around for awhile would you like to see the Paternoster Gang face? So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News Discussion of "The Crimson Horror" (Connor 8, David 7.25, Trevor 7, Charlie 7) Big Finish: Doctor Who: Destiny of the Doctor #10: Death's Deal (David 7.9, Trevor 7.75, Charlie 7.75) Hosts:
Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #238: Nightmare in Silver! Our audio adventure will be Destiny of the Doctor #11: The Time Machine, available from
Thu, 5 December 2019
On this week's podcast, disaster befalls the TARDIS and the Doctor must venture inside to rescue Clara while dealing with salvagers who just want to make a quick buck on the scrap. QotW: The title "Journey to the Center of the TARDIS" is clearly derived from the Jules Verne novel "Journey to the Center of the Earth". If you were to replace a word in an existing book title with the word "TARDIS", what would your story be? So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News Discussion of "Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS" (Charlie 7.75, Connor 8.5, David 7.5, Trevor 7.5) Big Finish: Doctor Who: Destiny of the Doctor #9: Night of the Whisper (Charlie 8.5, David 6.75, Trevor 8) Hosts:
Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #237, The Crimson Horror! Our audio adventure will be Destiny of the Doctor #10, Death’s Deal, available from