Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: A Journey Through Doctor Who

Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: World Enough and Time

This week we cover story #275a, World Enough and Time!  The Doctor give Missy a chance to prove her good intentions, but things get complicated when they explore a colony ship and find aboard a nascent version of one of the Doctor's oldest foes: the Cybermen!   

QotW: When Michelle Gomez moves on from the role, whom would you nominate to succeed her as Missy/the Master?

So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag

Discussion of "World Enough and Time" (David 9, Connor 9.5, Charlie 9.5, Trevor 9)

Big Finish: JAGO & LITEFOOT & STRAX - THE HAUNTING (David 8.25, Connor 8, Charlie 8, Trevor 7.75)


Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #275b, The Doctor Falls! Please watch the new episode without doing anything that would disappoint the Doctor. We’re taking a week off from audio adventures in anticipation that the season finale will give us plenty to talk about. Check back next week to find out which Big Finish audio adventure we’ll be reviewing next!

Direct download: WanderIn4D275a.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am PDT

Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: The Eaters of Light

This week we cover story #274, The Eaters of Light.  The Doctor, Bill, and Nardole go in search of the lost Roman Ninth Legion, but discover a threat so great it could bring darkness to the entire universe!  

QotW: Russell T Davies claims the next Doctor has already been cast. WHO would your top 3 picks for the role be?

So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag

Discussion of "The Eaters of Light" (Trevor 7.5, David 8.25, Charlie 8.5)

Connor's Corner

Big Finish: UNIT: Silenced, part 4: In Memory Alone (Trevor 7.75/8, David 7.75/7.5, Charlie 8/8)


Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #275a: World Enough and Time! Please watch the new episode without getting into an unnecessary conflict with the Picts or the Roman Ninth Legion. Our audio adventure will be Jago & Lightfoot & Strax, available from BigFinish.com.

Direct download: WanderIn4D274.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am PDT

Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: Empress of Mars

This week we cover story #273, Empress of Mars.  When NASA discovers the words "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN" spelled out in rock under the Martian ice cap, it's up to the Doctor to find out why -- and why Victorian soldiers visited the red planet and met the Ice Warriors!

QotW: Why do you think the monks wanted to take over the world in the past few episodes of Doctor Who?

So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag

Discussion of "Empress of Mars" (Charlie 7.5, Trevor 7.5, David 8)

Connor's Corner

Big Finish: UNIT: Silenced, part 3: Silent Majority (Charlie 8, Trevor 8.5, David 7.5)


Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #274, The Eaters of Light! Please view the episode without angering the Queen of the Ice Warriors. For our audio adventure, will be concluding the UNIT: Silenced boxed set with part 4: In Memory Alone, available from BigFinish.com.

Direct download: WanderIn4D273.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am PDT

Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: The Lie of the Land

This week we cover story #272, The Lie of the Land.  The monks have changed humanity's memories of history and the Doctor is apparently on their side -- it's up to Bill to find out what's going on and restore the truth!

QotW: The Pyramid At The End Of The World featured a little person. What other underrepresented demographic should Doctor Who feature more often?

So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag

Discussion of "The Lie of the Land" (David 8, Charlie 8, Trevor 7.5)

Connor's Corner

Big Finish: UNIT: Silenced, part 2: Square One (David 7.5, Charlie 8, Trevor 8.25)


Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #273, Empress of Mars! Please view the serial without contravening the Memory Crimes Act of 1975. Our audio adventure will be UNIT Silenced part 3: Silent Majority, available from BigFinish.com.

Direct download: WanderIn4D272.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am PDT

Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: The Pyramid at the End of the World

This week we cover story #271, The Pyramid at the End of the World!  When an alien pyramid suddenly appears in an area contested by Earth's three greatest military powers, peaceful cooperation between the nations may not be enough to save the Earth!

QotW: We couldn't find a name for the aliens who arranged Missy's execution in Extremis. What would you name them?

So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag

Discussion of "The Pyramid at the End of the World" (Trevor 8, David 8.75, Charlie 9)

Connor's Corner

Big Finish: UNIT: Silenced, part 1: House of Silents (Trevor 8, David 7.25, Charlie 7.5)


Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #272, The Lie of the Land! Please view the episode without sparking a war between the United States, Russia, and China. Our audio adventure will be the second part of the UNIT: Silenced boxed set, entitled “Square One”, available from BigFinish.com.

Direct download: WanderIn4D271.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am PDT