Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: A Journey Through Doctor Who

Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: The Invasion of Time

This week we cover story #97, The Invasion of Time!  When the Doctor returns to Gallifrey to assume the presidency, something is very wrong -- acting quite strangely, he hands over power to an alien invasion force!  What could he possibly be up to?

QotW: If you got lost in the depths of the TARDIS, what room would you like to stumble into?

Charlie's Variety Segment/Social Media/Convention Updates/Brexit

Discussion of "The Invasion of Time" (Charlie 8.5, David 8.25, Trevor 8.75)


Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #98, The Ribos Operation! This is the first serial of the season-long Key To Time story. You can buy a digital copy of The Ribos operation on iTunes, rent the DVD of the serial from Netflix, or buy the special edition Key To Time DVD boxed set from Amazon.com, WBShop.com, BarnesAndNoble.com, the BBC Doctor Who Shop, or many other fine retailers.

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am PDT

Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: Underworld

This week we cover story #96, Underworld!  The Doctor and Leela encounter a band of space travelers seeking a lost ship bearing the race banks of their dying people -- but when they catch up, they find more than they bargained for!

QotW: Underworld was an homage to Jason & the Argonauts. What other literary work would you like to see Doctor Who pay homage to? Details‽

Charlie's Variety Segment/Social Media

Discussion of "Underworld" (Trevor 6, Charlie 6.5, David 6.75)

Connor's Corner

Big Finish Audio Adventure: Fourth Doctor Adventures 1.01 -- Destination: Nerva (Trevor 8, Charlie 8.5, David 7.4)


Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #97, The Invasion of Time! You can rent the DVD from Netflix, or buy the DVD from Amazon.com, The BBC Doctor Who Shop, The WB Shop, BarnesAndNoble.com, or many other fine retailers.

Direct download: WanderIn4D096.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am PDT

Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: The Sun Makers

This week we cover story #95, The Sun Makers!  The Doctor and Leela discover an unexpected civilization on Pluto, full of bureaucracy and taxation -- but who ultimately profits from the usurious interest rates charged here?

QotW: Benedict Cumberbatch's mom was in Image of the Fendahl. What other famous actor's parent would you like to see in a Doctor Who episode?

Charlie's Variety Segment/Social Media

Discussion of "The Sun Makers" (7.25, Trevor 7.5, Charlie 7.5)

Connor's Corner

Big Finish Audio Adventure: Torchwood -- The Victorian Age (David 7, Trevor 7, Charlie 7)


Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #96, Underworld! You can buy a digital copy on iTunes, rent the DVD from Netflix, or buy the DVD from Amazon.com, BarnesAndNoble.com, the WB Shop, the BBC Doctor Who Shop, or many other fine retailers.

Direct download: WanderIn4D095.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am PDT

Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: Image of the Fendahl

This week we cover story #94, Image of the Fendahl!  The Doctor and Leela track a hole in time to Earth where they find a creature of legend from a world lost long ago!

Discussion of "Image of the Fendahl" (Charlie 7, David 7.75, Trevor 6)

Connor's Corner

Big Finish Audio Adventure: Companion Chronicles -- The Mahogany Murderers (Charlie 8.5, David 7.5, Trevor 7.5)


Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #95, The Sun Makers! You can buy a digital copy on iTunes, rent the DVD from Netflix, or buy the DVD from Amazon.com, BarnesAndNoble.com, the WB Shop, the BBC Doctor Who Shop, or many other fine retailers.

Direct download: WanderIn4D094.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am PDT

Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: The Invisible Enemy

This week we cover story #93, The Invisible Enemy!  The Doctor and Leela encounter a space microbe and must send microscopic clones into the Doctor's own brain to fight it!

QotW: The Doctor wants another robotic pet, but not another dog. What kind of robotic animal should he get?

Charlie's Variety Segment/Listener Mailbag

Discussion of "The Invisible Enemy" (Trevor 7.5, Charlie 5, David 6.5)

Connor's Corner

Bonus Viewing: K-9 and Company: A Girl's Best Friend (Trevor 2, Charlie 3, David 5.5)


Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #94, Image of the Fendahl! You can rent the DVD from Netflix or buy the DVD from BarnesAndNoble.com, Amazon.com, the WB Shop, the BBC Doctor Who Shop, or many other fine retailers.

Direct download: WanderIn4D093.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am PDT