Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: A Journey Through Doctor Who

Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: Deep Breath

This week we cover Doctor Who story #242, 2014's "Deep Breath", which sees a newly-regenerated twelfth Doctor portrayed by Peter Capaldi struggling to remember his friends and his past while trying to persuade companion Clara that he is still the Doctor!  We're joinded by special guest co-host Toby from The Comic Conspiracy Podcast!

QotW: What real-life Doctor Who decor or paraphernalia would you put in a Doctor Who themed restaurant?

Listener Mailbag

Discussion of "Deep Breath" (Charlie 7, Trevor 7.5, David 7, Toby 5)

Connor's Corner

Discussion of Big Finish audio adventure "The Perpetual Bond" (Charlie 5, Trevor 6.75, David 6.5)

Doctor Who Events: The Wanderers' Take on the Deep Breath Fathom Event


Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #243, Into The Dalek.  We invite you to follow along by watching the episode before the podcast; please acquire a copy in the manner appropriate for your place and time.

Direct download: WanderIn4D242.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am PST

Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: The Smugglers and The Tenth Planet

This week we cover Doctor Who story #28, 1966's "The Smugglers", in which the TARDIS crew are caught between the notorious pirate captain Pike and his crew and Cornish smuggler Squire Edwards!  Can they escape this deadly treasure hunt with their lives?  We also cover story #29, William Hartnell's swan song, "The Tenth Planet"!  When the Cybermen arrive at Earth in 1986 to drain all of Earth's energy, the Doctor and his companions must step up to defeat them.  But it will take a terrible toll on the Doctor...

QotW: If you could change the ending on any Doctor Who serial we've watched so far, which one would you change and how?

Listener Mailbag

Discussion of "The Smugglers" (Charlie 6, David 6.8, Trevor 5.5)

Connor's Corner (The Smugglers)

Discussion of "The Tenth Planet" (David 8.5, Trevor 8.75, Charlie 10)

Tribute to Robin Williams

Doctor Who Reviews: Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #1 from Titan Comics


Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #242, Deep Breath!  Your ears do not deceive you, Wanderers in the Fourth Dimension will be time travelling from 1966 to 2014 to cover Peter Capaldi’s series 8 of modern Doctor Who!  Coverage of the classic era will resume on the first week without a new Peter Capaldi episode, beginning with Patrick Troughton’s introductory story, #30, Power of the Daleks!

Direct download: WanderIn4D028-029.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am PST

Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: The War Machines

This week we cover Doctor Who story #27, 1966's "The War Machines", in which the Doctor faces off against WOTAN: the most advanced computer the Earth has ever produced!  We're joined this episode by special guest co-host Leann Hall!

QotW: If you could choose any director (living or dead) to direct an episode of Doctor Who, who would it be?

Listener Mailbag

Discussion of "The Savages" (Trevor 8, Charlie 8, David 6.5, Leann 6.5)

Connor's Corner

Discussion of Big Finish audio adventure "The War to End All Wars" (Trevor 6.5, Charlie 4, David 5.5, Leann 7.5)

Doctor Who Events: Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #1 from Titan Comics


Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who serial #28, The Smugglers AND William Hartnell’s swan song, serial #29, The Tenth Planet, reviewed together in one extra-long episode to make sure we finish them up before Peter Capaldi’s premiere, Deep Breath, on August 23rd!  Although The Smugglers is completely lost, we invite you to follow along by listening to the soundtrack before the podcast.  You can acquire a copy from audible.com.  The first three episodes of the four-parter The Tenth Planet are intact, and the fourth has been animated.  You can buy the DVD from Amazon.com, the BBC Doctor Who Shop, or many other fine retailers.

Direct download: WanderIn4D027.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am PST

Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: The Savages

This week we cover Doctor Who story #26, 1966's "The Savages", in which the Doctor is caught between two societies -- the savages, and the elders.  But which is truly the more civilized?

QotW: How would you rank the seven series of modern #DoctorWho  in order from your favorite to least?

Listener Mailbag

Discussion of "The Savages" (David 7.75, Trevor 8.5, Charlie 7.5)

Connor's Corner

Discussion of Big Finish audio adventure "The Drowned World" (David 7.25, Trevor 6.5, Charlie 7.5)

Doctor Who Events: The Doctor Who Season Premiere Fathom Event


Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who serial #27, The War Machines!  This serial is fully intact, and you can stream it on Hulu Plus, rent the DVD from Netflix, or buy the DVD from Amazon.com, the BBC Doctor Who Shop, or many other fine retailers.

Direct download: WanderIn4D026.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am PST