Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: A Journey Through Doctor Who

Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: The Church on Ruby Road

On this week's podcast, the Wanderers cover the 2023 Doctor Who Christmas special, The Church on Ruby Road!

QotW: Your stocking is hung by the chimney with care in hopes that St. Nicholas soon will be there... but the Doctor gets there first! Which Doctor is it, and what do they leave in your stocking before flying off in the TARDIS again?

So Here Are The Things/Listener Mailbag/Who News

The Church on Ruby Road (David 8.75, Trevor 8.75, Charlie 8.5, Connor 8.5)


Although this episode is airing at the very end of December, we’re counting it as our January episode since we’ve had new episodes weekly throughout December.  Join us February 1st  as we return to a monthly schedule for our review of Doctor Who: Doom Coalition 1, available from BigFinish.com.

Direct download: WanderIn4D304.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:18pm PST