Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: A Journey Through Doctor Who

Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: October 2022 On this month's podcast, the Wanderers cover Doctor Who – The Eighth Doctor Adventures episodes 1.4: Immortal Beloved, 1.5: Phobos, 1.6: No More Lies, and 1.7-1.8: Human Resources, all by @BigFinish!

QotM: In the UNIT audio adventure The Wasting from Big Finish, (spoilers!) David Tennant plays a villain.  What other Doctor Who protagonist actor would you like to see make the switch to playing an antagonist and what would be the nature of their role?

So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

Big Finish: Doctor Who – The Eighth Doctor Adventures

  • 1.4. Doctor Who: Immortal Beloved by Jonathan Clements (David 7.75, Trevor 8, Charlie 7.75)
  • 1.5. Doctor Who: Phobos by Eddie Robson (David 8, Trevor 6.75, Charlie 7.75)
  • 1.6. Doctor Who: No More Lies by Paul Sutton (David 8, Trevor 7.25, Charlie 8)
  • 1.7-1.8. Doctor Who: Human Resources (parts 1 and 2) by Eddie Robson (David 9, Trevor 8.75, Charlie 9, Connor 9.5)


Next month we expect to be covering the Doctor Who centenary special and Jodie Whittaker’s swan song, Power of the Doctor.  However, as of recording, an air date has not been officially set for it.  In the unlikely event that it doesn’t air before our next recording, we’ll be discussing Big Finish’s THE WORLDS OF DOCTOR WHO - Lady Christina Series 01 boxed set instead.

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