Thu, 5 September 2019
On this week's podcast, the Doctor drops in on Craig to find he's a dad now, and there are Cybermen living underneath a nearby shop. What could possibly defeat such a threat? The power of love, obviously! QotW: The Doctor speaks baby, what other unconventional language might the Doctor know that we haven’t already seen in the show? So Here's the Thing.../Listener Mailbag Discussion of "Closing Time" (Trevor 8, Charlie 8, Connor 9.5, David 8.75) Big Finish: 10th Doctor Adventures, Volume 3, Episode 3: The Creeping Death (Trevor 7.5/6.75, Charlie 7/7, David 8/7.5) Hosts:
Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #224, The Wedding of River Song! As series finale reviews tend to run long, we’ll be skipping the Big Finish review, but rest assured, we’ll be back to audio adventures soon!