Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: A Journey Through Doctor Who

Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: Mindgame Saga/The Curse of Fatal Death

This week we continue our coverage of the Wilderness Years with Mindgame, Mindgame Trilogy, and The Curse of Fatal Death!

QotW: How would you finish this #DoctorWho bar joke? "A Draconian, a Sontaran, and a Human walk into a bar..." #QotW

So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag

Discussion of "Mindgame" (David 6.5, Charlie 6, Trevor 7)

Discussion of "Mindgame Trilogy: Battlefield" (David 9, Charlie 7, Trevor 8)

Discussion of "Mindgame Trilogy: Prisoner 451" (David 7, Charlie 6, Trevor 6)

Discussion of "Mindgame Trilogy: Scout Ship" (David 7.5/7, Charlie 7/7, Trevor 7.5/6.75)

Discussion of "The Curse of Fatal Death" (David 8.75, Charlie 9.5, Trevor 9.25)

Big Finish: The Tenth Doctor Adventures 2.3: Cold Vengeance (David 7, Charlie 7, Trevor 6)


Join us next week as our coverage of the Wilderness Years continues with our review of Death Comes to Time. We’ll be taking the week off from audio adventures to make room in the schedule to cover the Virgin New Adventures novel Lungbarrow!  (Meow.)

Direct download: WanderIn4D156W3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am PDT

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