Thu, 26 April 2018
This week, the Wanderers join the Doctor, Rose, and Captain Jack for The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances! QotW: If you could go on a romantic date with Captain Jack (or someone else of your choice, but seriously, who would turn down Captain Jack?) at any historical event, when and where would you go? So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/A Word From Our Friends At Baycon Discussion of "The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances" (Connor 9.5, David 7.75, Trevor 9.5, Charlie 8.5) Big Finish Audio Adventure: Neverland (David 8.75, Trevor 8.5, Charlie 9) Hosts:
Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #165, Boom Town! Our audio adventure will be Zagreus, available from